1 Nahdet Masr School, Shorouk City Construction of an elementary and secondary school Full Arch., struc, and geotech design. Dr. Abdel-Hamid Abed
2 Extension of new Kasr El-Einy Hospital, Cairo University Construction of the external clinic and the extension of the hospital. Full Struc. and geotechnical design. Dr. Amr Sherif Neuman
3 El-Mansora University Library Building Construction of a new library at Mansora University Full Structural Design Mansora University
4 Adel-Eisa and Company School Construction of a school at El-Sherouk City Full Arch., struc, and geotech design. Adel-Eisa and Company
5 Shorouk Elementary and Preparatory school, Fayoum Construction of a school in El-Sherouk City Geotech. and struc. design. Dr. Assem Abou-ouf
6 Rod El-Farag School, Rod El-Farag Construction of a school in Rod El-Farag Soil invest., dewatering and side support system Bakir Co.